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Hi, I'm Lizzie. I'm so glad you are here.

I'm a mom, owner of multiple small businesses, a podcaster, and the creator of The Undiet You Program

If you are ready to stop the yoyo dieting and start learning how to live in a way that truly supports your health and nutrition goals, you are in the right place. Changing how we eat, the way we eat and our overall relationship with food takes time, education, commitment, and dedication.

Contrary to popular belief, just counting calories is not always the answer to improving your health. I cannot stress this enough: one person's food can be another person's poison. It is important to pay attention to how we personally react to certain foods and implement steps that improve our health and lifestyle overall.

Together, I will help you stop dieting and start living by:

  • Unlearning false beliefs surrounding food (i.e. Eating healthy is difficult, that certain foods are “bad” or “off-limits”)

  • Learning how to be intuitive in your eating habits through listening and understanding your body’s signals (including recognizing what foods cause negative reactions within your body).

  • Understanding how your thyroid, hormones and gut health play a vital role in your health, and how to support and optimize them.

  • Having access to delicious recipes, accountability check-ins, workouts and more!

*Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, dietitian or nutritionist. I cannot diagnose you, prescribe supplements etc. If you have any serious health concerns please reach out to your doctor.

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